Take A Minute For Meditation
Could taking just a minute or a few minutes for a meditation break make a difference in your workday? I think it can, here’s how.
Suspend Disbelief
“Think you can, think you can’t. Either way you’ll be right.”
I love this quote, attributed to Henry Ford. Suspend your disbelief - if you don’t believe that a minute’s meditation can make a difference. I believe it interrupts something in your brain/mind/consciousness that allows entry back to your true center. Not for long - you’ll be pulled back into the chaos soon enough. But for a bit of time. Enough to make a difference.
Quieting the Mind is Hard
It’s hard for me, it’s hard for everybody. Don’t let anybody kid you.
I’ve heard so many people say “My mind won’t be still.” Of course, it won’t, your mind is not meant to be still, that is not its nature.
People Teach Us How
Many wonderful people have devoted themselves to teaching meditative practices to busy Western people like us. There are breath practices, chanting, focus exercises, centering practices using sound like singing bowls. You know where to look if you want to.
Here’s How. Try It.
Get up from your desk. Stretch. Bring your attention to your breath. If your mind starts fussing about how to do it right, tell her to go to her room while the adults do this thing.
Align your spine to stand straight so there’s room for your lungs.
Watch the video below for some movements to focus on. Do the movements a few times.
Then bring your arms and your breath back to still. Take a few long, slow breaths.
There, you’re done.
Go back to your desk :-).
PS I love this poem by Mary Oliver:
Instructions for Living a Life
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
On a mission to break as many rules as possible in this lifetime.
I practice Traditional Chinese Tai Chi Chen, reinvent myself regularly, and help people discover their own satisfying work lives!