Looking for more help?
One on One Coaching or Group Worksessions
coach linda…
I bring an extensive business background to my coaching clients:
15 years on corporate staff in a market research management function at Global market leaders (General Foods, Unilever) provides a broad perspective of commercial/professional enterprise.
15 years independent consulting practice in marketing strategy/market research serving Fortune 100 clients
20 years coaching practice developing career expansion strategies for business and professional people in diverse areas including finance, health care, engineering and the sciences and various entrepreneurial endeavors
Business development programs for entrepreneurs at American Job Center One-Stop Federally funded employment assistance centers
I have a well-developed sub-specialty in disability advocacy offering online training and speaking engagements on creating an inclusive workplace
Published a well regarded book as well as comprehensive training material on disability inclusion designed for organizations who want to be more disability-friendly across disabling conditions.
Active member of various authors groups including the Authors Guild of Tennessee.
one on one
I offer one-on-one coaching to supplement the online, on-demand programs offered at www.workthatsatisfies.com.
Thirty days in duration pointing to one specific accomplishment which has been agreed upon between us through email communication before we start. This will build on what you learned from the course.
We schedule four sessions in the month at one-week intervals. These sessions are scheduled in advance with in-between support by email, phone, or text as time and scheduling permits. A session can be as long as ninety minutes, or as short as thirty minutes - we decide together.
Sessions are live on Zoom Video conference enabling sharing of notes and documents. If you prefer we can do phone instead. Homework is generally assigned.
The coaching fee is $200/month payable at the month’s beginning. Tap here to get started.
I lead group work sessions to supplement the online, on-demand programs offered at www.workthatsatisfies.com.
Weekly sessions during the month, limited registration, 60 to 90 minutes in duration
In person or online via Zoom, interim support via phone/email.
$125/month payable at the month’s beginning. Tap here to get started.
Group work Sessions
Have questions?
I’ll be in touch shortly!