Goal mastery

In this speeded-up world we need breakthrough efficiency to set, and achieve our next goal. This self paced course gives you a clear, methodical yet quick structure for moving through your achievements. Turn vision to reality, fast!

What you’ll get

  • Video tutorials and a comprehensive workbook to give you step-by-step guidelines to use at your own pace. Guided prompts to help you think things through. Practical guidance on chunking down activities to curb overwhelm. Confidence building guided reflections. Examples and real life role models. Experience and encouragement.

  • Lifetime access to the course materials. Move through the content at your own speed and revisit as often as you need to. A downloadable workbook that you can use for this project and other projects!

  • Build muscle with proven processes I’ve learned from a lifetime helping people -- using principles from the world’s best teachers. Learn today’s best practices from thought leaders across the Western world.

What’s inside

Module 1

Learn to work around your worries and the negativity the world can hurl at you. This is what derails many of us so I start the course off by giving you tools to stand down negativity. Learn to chunk activities down to achievable bits that anchor confidence and belief in yourself and your dreams.

Module 2

Build out your confidence by thinking through your foundations for success - your skills, history and personal attributes like courage and tenacity. Kick in these concrete reasons to believe in yourself when you get distracted. Learn how to marshal resources to help you move forward toward your goal.

Module 3

Test and learn your way through to success to quickly pick up on positive signals.  Learn to improve the working parts of what you’re doing. Refine how you get the word out so you have direct experience of the impact you’re having. Grow in courage and confidence! CARRY ON!

Enroll Now

Enroll Now

Goal Setting
One time

Here’s what you’ll get with the course: Video tutorials and a comprehensive workbook to give you step-by-step guidelines to use at your own pace. Lifetime access to the course materials. Move through the content at your own speed and revisit as often as you need to. Learn today’s best practices from thought leaders across the Western world.

✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Video lessons
✓ Workbook